
Traduceti in engleza:Camera mea nu este foarte mare dar incapatoare.Peretii sunt albi.Culorile camerei mele sunt portocaliu inchis si deschis.Pe tavan am o inimioara in care sunt bagate niste becuri.Patul este foarte mare si este prins de dulapuri.Deasupra patului am mici dulapioare.In peretele din stanga se afla televizorul si trei rafturi portocali.Gresia este de culoare maro.Aceasta este camera mea.

Răspuns :

My room is not big, but spacious. The walls are white. The colors from my room are: light and dark orange. On the ceiling I have a heart whith light bulbs. The bed is very big and is caught to the wardrobes.  Above the bad I have little wardrobes. In the left wall I have the TV and 3 orange shelfes. The hone is brown. 
This is my room. 
  My room is not very big but spacious. The  walls are white. Colours of my room are dark orange and orange. On the ceiling is a heart with bulbs. Bed is very big and is between two closets. Above the bed i have some little ceilings. On the left wall is the TV and three orange shelves. The stand stone is brown. This is my room.