
hei.. am si eu nevoie de o mica compunere la engleza , in care trebuie sa iti imaginezi o zi din viata ta la 35 de ani.
trebuie sa folosesc cat mai mult 'Future Continuous '.

Răspuns :

Later in life I'll probably have a husband who'll love me and maybe 2-3 kids and I'll be happy and my life will be full of joy. I'll get myself and my kids ready for school then make breakfast for my family, they'll come downstairs and say good morning in a chorus and they'll make my day better while I will give them a bright smile hoping that I'll make their day better too. 
Then I would get them to the car and drive the little ones to school and my husband would drop me off at work.
After a hard day at work, I'll get home, tired, to find my kids playing with their toys, laughing and smiling at me, making my day even better. I'd make dinner for them while I'll wait for their dad to come home, we would talk at the dinner table about what happened today and I'll be reading them after in bed a bedstory and watch them fall asleep. We would be happy and we'll enjoy our lifes together as a family. 
