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If you mention the circus to most people,they think of animals which are made to do tricks and are kept in cages.The Cirque du Soleil is very different.The performers are not animals.They are all human.
Audiences everywhere are enthralled by the performers at Cirque du Soleil.These amazing acrobats do more than just swing on trapezes:they bungee jump;they swing up,down and around Chinese poles;and they contort their bodies in amazing ways.People come from far and wide to see their show.
Cirque du Soleil began in 1984 when two French-Canadian street-performers,Giles Ste-Croix,a slit-walker,and Guy Laliberte,a fire eater,decides to form a circus without animals.They made up a troupe with people from all over the world.Tight-wire artist Wang Jing-min is Chinese,Rene Bazinet is a clown from Germany,and the Lorador brothers,who do a brilliant hang-balancing act,are from Portugal.During the performance of the curent show,nine different languages are spoken backstage.
For the show's young performers the circus is their life.Laurence Racine,a seventeen-year-old French girl,is a contortionist who has been in the circus since the age of eleven.Her mother used to travel with the circus as a wardrobe assistant when Laurence first started,but now Laurence is on her own.Laurence misses her family but she has made many fiends in the circus.'We are like a big friendly family because we grew together.We train together,perform together,even eat together and share rooms.It's all very intense'.
Laurence performs an amazing acrobatic act with three other girls.'It may look simple,'says Laurence ,'but we have practised for six years to get it absolutely right.In the circus,you won't succeed unless you are both physically and mentally strong'.
Laurence,who looks younger than her seventeen years,is not excluded from education or exams.In fact she has school lessons for six hours a day.'But I feel that I have grown up very fast in the circus.Friends at home who are yhe same age as me are waiting for their lives to begin,but I feel than I have already done lot with my life.I've travelled all over the world and I'm doing something I really enjoy.I wouldn't want to do anything else,even if I had yhe chance.My life may not appear normalto other teenagers,but it's normal to me and I love it.

Răspuns :

Daca mentionezi circul majoritatii oamenilor, se gandesc la animale care sunt obligate sa faca trucuri si care sunt tinute in custi. Cirque du Soleil este foarte diferit.Performerii nu sunt animale. Sunt oameni cu totii.

Spectatorii de pretutindeni sunt captivati de performerii de la Cirque du Soleil. Acesti acrobati uluitori fac mai mult decat a se legana pe trapeze: fac bungee-jump, se leagana in sus, in jos si in jurul barelor chinezesti de acrobatie: si isi contorsioneaza trupurile in moduri uimitoare. Oamenii vin de departe si de pretutindeni sa le vada reprezentatia.

Cirque du Soleil s-a infiintat in anul 1984, cand doi performeri de strada canadiano-francezi. Giles Ste CRoix, un acrobat care merge pe sarma, si Guy Laliberte, un mancator de foc, decid sa infiinteze un circ fara animale. Formeaza o trupa cu omeni din toata lumea. Wang Jing-min, care merge pe franghia intinsa, ezste chinez, Rene Bazinet este un clovn din Germania, si fratii Lorador, care fac o reprezentatie brilianta de acrobatie la inaltime, sunt din Portugalia. In timpul reprezentatiei spectacolului curent, in culise se vorbesc noua limbi diferite.

Pentru performerii tineri ai spectacolului, circul reprezinta viata lor. Laurence Racine, o tanata frantuzoaica de 17 ani, este o contorsionista care e in lumea circului de la varsta de 11 ani. Mama ei obisnuia sa calatoreasca cu circul ca si asistenta de garderoba cand Laurence a inceput, dar acum Laurence este pe cont propriu. Lui Laurence ii lipseste familia dar si-a facut multi prieteni la circ. ,, Suntem o mare familie prietenoasa deoarecr am crescut impreuna. Ne antrenam impreuna, performam impreuna chiar si mancam impreuna si impartim camerele. Totul este foarte intens.,,.

Laurence realizeaza un act acrobatic uimitor impreuna cu alte trei fete.,, Poate parea simplu,,, spune ,, dar am exersat timp de 6 ani ca sa ne iasa perfect. La circ, nu vei avea succes daca nu esti puternic atat fizic cat si psihic.,,.

Laurence, care pare mai tanara decat cei 17 ani ai sai, nu neglijeaza eduatia si examenele.De fapt, are lectii de scoala 6 ore pe zi.,,Dar simt ca am crescut doarte repede la circ. Prietenii de acasa, care sunt de aceeasi varsta cu mine, asteapta ca vietilo lor sa inceapa. dar eu simt ca am facut deja multe cu viata mea. am calatorit prin toata lumea si fac ceva ce imi place cu adevarat. Nu as vrea sa fac nimic altceva, chiar daca as avea oportunitatea. Viata mea poate nu pare una normala in ochii altor adolescenti, dar pentru mine este normala si o iubesc.,,.