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Persoana pe care o admir foarte mult este tatal meu. Este destul de inalt cu par negru si ochi albastri.Este o persoana entuziasta si amuzanta.Nu are un anumit stil vestimentar.
Motivul pentru care il admir este ca el este un om descurcaret care poate iesi din orice problema. Il mai admir deoarece este o persoana prietenoasa si directa. Imi place asta.
Eu il admir foarte mult pe tatal meu datorita personalitatii lui si il iubesc foarte mult!

Răspuns :

The person I greatly admire is my dad. It is quite tall with dark hair and eyes blue. Is one person entuziasty and funny. No have one style vestimentation.
The motive for but I admire is that he is a resourceful man who can get out of any problem. I admire him also because it is a direct and friendly person. I like this.
I admire my dad greatly because of his personality and I just love him so much!!!         
                                          Sper ca te-am ajutat!!!

The person who I admire the most is my father. He is pretty tall, with dark hair and blue eyes. He is funny and enthusiastic. He doesn't wear something special.
The reason I admire him is because he is friendly and honest. I appreciate that. I admire my father very much because of his personality and I love him for it.