
Fill in the correct word
1 Jenny wants to find a full-.............job as a secretary.
2The ozone............................protects the Earth from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the Sun.
3She is..................to getting up early in the mornings.
4The fax machine hasn't...........delivered yet.
5Tigers are considered to be a(n).............species.
6Do........your coat.It's freezing cold.
7Fossil............ , such as coal or oil , are formed from the decayed remains of plants or animals.
8''.................son ia he?'' ''Mr Brown's''.
9He's old................to get a driving licence.
10 He wake up late and as a(n)..............was late for work.

Răspuns :



Fill in the correct word

Completaţi folosind cuvântul care se potriveşte


1. Jenny wants to find a full-time job as a secretary.

Jenny doreşte să găsească un post cu normă întreagă ca secretară.

2. The ozone layer protects the Earth from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the Sun.

Stratul de ozon protejează Pământul de razele ultraviolete ale Soarelui.

3. She is not keen to getting up early in the mornings.

Ei nu-i place să se trezească dimineaţa devreme.

4. The fax machine hasn't been delivered yet.

Aparatul fax nu a fost încă livrat.

5. Tigers are considered to be an endangered species.

Tigrii sunt consideraţi ca fiind o specie pe cale de dispariţie.

6. Do put on your coat. It's freezing cold.

Insist să îţi pui haina. E ger.

7. Fossil fuels, such as coal or oil, are formed from the decayed remains of plants or animals.

Combustibilii fosili, precum cărbunele sau petrolul, se formează din resturi degradate ale plantelor sau animalelor.

8. ''Whose son is he?'' ''Mr. Brown's''.

El este fiul cui? - Al D-lui Brown.

9. He's old enough to get a driving license.

El este suficient de mare să obţină permis de conducere.

10. He wakes up late and as a custom was late for work.

El se trezeşte târziu şi, ca de obicei, a întârziat la muncă.