
For questions 1-5, think of one word only which can be used appropriately in all three sentences.
1. I know it's difficult, but look on the______side and you'll soon see things in a different light.
I wasn't wearing sunglasses and the sun was so _____it hurt My eyes.
Albert is a very_______young man and i'm sure he'll do well at university.
2. Oh, dear, I hadn't realised it was so late, we really must be______.
We don't see them very often, you know just______and on.
I say, something in the fridge smells______and i think it's the fish.
3. I Love our new hd tv as it gives a very_______picture.
Raw lemons have such a________taste, i don't know how you can eat them.
A_______increase in food prices has left many families struggling.
4. Cafes are closing which is a_______that the economy is doing badly.
Look, there'a a_________pointing to the supermarket.
There was no_________ of them anywere and we began to fear the worst.
5. He decided to eat more chocolate as he was getting too_______.
The evidence is _________so the scientist needs to do more research.
'Watch me vanish into_______air', said the magician.