
raport in engleza , un incendiu care a izbucnit pe strada mea

Răspuns :

Dear Tomy,( Tomy sa zicem ca e prietenul) 
I'm Chirey( Chirey sa zicem ca e numele tau ), your best friend. I want to stay with me , just please don't go ! I want to see you everday ! And yeah , I know I can send you a message when I want to speak with you . But in New York ( sa zicem ca acolo pleaca) people are horrible with strangers,like you. The food is not tasty like food as in our city . The weather is cloundy and foggy always! The places is not wonderful , so please,please don't go in New Your , for me , friends and your family.
With love,Chirey
a fire that broke out on my street!!!