
Put the adjectives in the correct order to describe the items.
1) a pair of boots:riding/leather/brown
3)some students:Russian/young/economics
4)a table:wooden/dining room/old
5)a scarf:green/expensive/silk
Va rog frumos!

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Put the adjectives in the correct order to describe the items

Ordonați adjectivele corect pentru a descrie elementele care apar.



1. a pair of brown leather riding boots

2. big blue beautiful eyes

3. some young Russian economics students

4. an old wooden dining room table

5. an expensive green silk scarf



Ordinea cuvintelor (articolelor, numeralelor, adjectivelor sau a altor substantive) amplasate înaintea substantivelor:

a) Articolul hotărât sau nehotărât (a/an/the)

b) Cantitate/Număr (five, thirty)

c) Calitate/Însușire (gorgeous, amazing, ugly, polite)

d) Dimensiune (big, little, high)

e) Vârsta (old/young)

f) Forma (round, disk-șhaped)

g) Culoarea (yellow, blue, white)

h) Adjectiv scris cu majusculă (Russian, Romanian, Greek)

i) Cuvântul care arată scopul sau domeniul (driving, sports, jumping, chemical)