
Am nevoie rapid de rezolvarea acestui exercitiu la Engleza :
4) Answer these questions about David and Maria :
1. Where in Manhattan do they live ?
2. Where do their families come from ?
3.How do they spend their weekends ?
4.What are Maria's plans for next summer ?
5.What has she arranged to do this month ?
6. Why do you think the article asks if David and Maria will ever meet ?
7. What do you think the 'American Dream ' means ?
Textul este acesta:
I'm 14 and I live in Nwe York

David and Maria both live on Manhattan Island, in the heart of New York City. And yet their worlds are miles apart. Will they ever meet?

David, Central Park

David is the boy on roller blades wearing a huge T-shirt. He lives eith his family in a large apartament - the American word for 'flat' - overlookink Central Park. His family is originally from Germany. His grandparents came to the United States looking for a better life.
'The USA is a country of immigrants,' said David ehen we spoke to him.
In the early part of the twentieth century thousands of people from Europe came to the United Stats hoping to find the American Dream. The immigrants were not allowed into the century immediately. Ellis Island, now a museum, is the place where they had to stay until their papers were ready for them to enter the country. 'Many, like my grandparents, stayed in New York,' David explained. He then added that he was glad they had. 'It's a great city,' he told us.
Every morning, David roller-blades to school across the park. He told us he carried his books in a backpack because he needed to keep his hands free to move faster. 'Are the streets safe?' we asked him. 'I've never had any problems,' he said. 'When I was little, my parents would always tell me things like: " Don't go out of the neighbourhood.","Don't take your new bike into the park." and "Be carefil.", so I grew up very aware of safety.'
David spends weekends in yhe family home at Long Island. 'What do you do there?' we asked him. 'I sail, go water-skiing and do motocross, that's my favourite. But I like coming back to the city best: I'm a New Yorker,' he told us.

Maria, Spanish Harlem

When you walk down the streets of Spanish Harlem, in Northwest Manhattan, you might think you are in another city, in another country. You hear the Latin beat of 'salsa' music everywhere, and many of the shop sings are in Spanish.
Here we met long-haired, dark-eyed Maria. She is a first-generation American whose parents came from El Salvador fifteen years ago. 'These days we speak Spanish and English at home. Whichever comes out first!' she told us. 'But we used to speak only Spanish when I was little. My parents spoke very little English then,' she added.
She goes to a girls 'school half an hour away by subway, the large underground train system. 'Why do you travel so far?' er asked her. 'Because it's a very good school, and my parents want me to have a good education,' she said. 'But it is a long way away,' she complained.
Maria told us that she spent most weekends preparing interviews for the Children's Express. The Express is a press agency which is run entirely by teenagers between fourteen and eighteen. 'Our articles are published in more than 100 adult newspapers all over the USA,' she explained proudly. 'This month I'm doing an interview with the Mayor of New York. I'm very nervous about it! It'll be the first time I talk to the head of a city.'
'Do you feel American?' we asked her. 'I feel American, from the American Continent,' she told us. She then explained, 'I was born here in New York, but my roots are in Latin America. Next summer I'm going to visit my grandparents in El Salvador from the first time. Once I've been there I'll know if I want to choose Latin America or the American Dream.'

Răspuns :

1.David and Maria both live on Manhattan Island, in the heart of New York City. David, Central Park, Maria, Spanish Harlem.
2. Davis's family is originally from Germany. Maria's parents came from El Salvador fifteen years ago
3. David spends weekends in yhe family home at Long Island. Maria, she spends most weekends preparing interviews for the Children's Express.
4. Next summer Maria will go to visit her grandparents in El Salvador for the first time.
5.This month Maria is doing an interview with the Mayor of New York.
6. Because sometimes people who live near end up meeting.
7. Is caled "American Dream" because people who want to go to America usualy think that they will see their dreams come true there.