
Am nevoie sa imi traduceti urmatorul text din romana in engleza:
"Cand eu eram mai mica, aveam o prietena pe Simina. Ea era mereu alaturi de mine,si la bine si la greu.
Intr-o zi, eu m-am ranit pt ca am fugit pe balustrada de pe strada, unde eu nu aveam voie sa merg. Simina vazand ca plang, a venit langa mine si m-a ajutat sa ma duc la parintii mei, ca acestia sa ma panseze.
Intr-o alta zi Simina si cu mine ne plimbam pe strada. De o data a aparut un baiat care isi batea joc mereu de Simina. A inceput sa-si bata joc din nou de ea,iar eu am aparat-o. La un moment dat a inceput sa fuga pt ca l-am amenintat ca daca nu inceteza aruncam cu pietre dupa el.
Nu am mai vazut-o pe Simina de mult, dar imi este tare dor de ea si as vrea sa o vad inca o data in viata."

Răspuns :

When I was little, I had a friend Simina.She was always there or me, at the good times and at the bad times.
One day, I got hurt because I ran on a balustrade on the street, where I couldn't go. Simina, seeing that I was crying, came to me and helped me to go to my parents so they can bandage me.
On another day, me and Simina were walking on the street. Suddenly, a boy that was always picking on Simina came and started picking on her. He started running because I told him we'll throw rocks at him if he doesn't stop.
I didn't see Simina for a long time,but I really miss her and I would want go see her once alive