
traduceti din engleza in romana: super eroul meu preferat este surferul de argint deoarece a ales sa salveze planeta din mainile lui galactus,o creatură malefică din spaţiu. el a hotărât ca planeta noastră să devină noua lui ţintă şi îl trimite pe „Surferul de Argint” sa o distruga. sursa puterilor lui veneau din placa lui de surf. La inceput cei 4 fantastici credeau ca el este un raufacator.,dar acesta vroia doar sa isi apere poporul. victor Doom, asa zisul Doctor Doom a vrut sa fure placa surferului de argint,insa acesta era prea puternic asa ca sa alaturat celor 4 fantastici spunand ca ii poate ajuta sal opreasca pe surfer in schimbul unui fovor: acela de a incerca placa.Ajuns pe placa puterile lui erau din ce in ce mai puternice. doctorul doom a trimis o sageata catre surfer, femeia invizibila a vrut sa il apere insa sageata a fost prea puternica si a ranit-o. The thing impreuna cu torţa si omul fantastic sau unit formand un super erou foarte puternic si au luat placa de la doctorul doom. surferul sia recapatat placa,iar galactus era foarte aproape de planeta. surferul a mers la galactus si ia spus ca nu va mai fi slujitor lui,iar apoi galactus a pierit si planetele au fost redate in spatiul cosmic.

Răspuns :

My favourite super hero is the silver surfer because he chosed to save the planet from Galactus' s hands, an evil creature from space. He decided that our planet to become his new target and sends "Silver surfer" to destroy it. The source of his power came  from his surf board. At first, The 4 Fantastics thougt that he is a villain but he only wanted to defend his people. Victor Doom or Doctor Doom as he is called wanted to steal Silver surfer's surf board, but he was too powerful and Doctor Boomd joined the 4 Fantastics and told them that he can help them to stop the silver surfer in exchange for a favour:  to try the surf board. On the board his power became  stronger and stronger. Doctor Doom sent an arrow to the surfer. The invisible women wanted to defend him but the arrow was to powerful and hurted her.The thing(?) with the torch and the fantastic man united together becoming a super hero very powerful and they took back the board from Doctor Boom. The Silver Surfer regained his board and Galactus was very close to the planet. The surfer went to Galactus and told him that he won't be his man anymore. Then Galactus died and planets have been released
 in the space.