
1. Daca luna va fi rosie, va ingheta
2. Daca vei planta pomi, vei recolta
3.Daca inspectorul va dori, va sanctiona compania
translate+make negative+reformulate with ''Unless''
Va rog ajutati-ma, multumesc! O zi buna

Răspuns :

1. a)If the moon will be red,it will freeze.
    b)If the moon wont be red,it wont freeze.
    c)Unless the moon will be red,unless it will freeze.

2. a)If you will plant trees,you will recolt.
    b)If you wont plant trees,you wont recolt.
    c)Unless you will plant trees,unless you will recolt.
3. a)If the inspector will want,he will sanction the company.
    b)If the inspector wont want,he wont sanction the company.
    c)Unless the inspector will want,unless he will sanction the company.