
Cum se traduce in engleză asta
Buna! Eu sunt Melisa si am 8 ani.eu Am un cap mic si o gura mica. Ochii mei sunt căprui. Eu am parul lung. Eu am 2 brațe, 2 mâini si 10 degete. Picioarele mele sunt scurte. Eu am 10 degete la picioare. Mie îmi place pizza. Eu pot sa alerg si sa sar. Mie nu-mi place cafeaua si nu pot sa zbor

Răspuns :

Hello, my name is Melissa, I am 8 years old. I have  a small head and also a small mouth. My eyes are green. I have long hair. I have two arms, two hands and ten fingers. My legs are short. My legs have both ten fingers. I like Pizza. I can run and jump. I don`t like coffee and I can`t fly.

Hi! I'm Melissa and I'm eight. I've got a small head and a small mouth. My eyes are dark. I've got long hair. I have two arms, two hands and ten fingers. My feet are short. I have ten toes. I like pizza. I can run and jump. I dislike coffee and I cannot fly.