
Compunere de 20 de randuri cu titlul Princess Spring

Răspuns :

                Princess Spring
   It was once upon a time a beautiful princess loud, who loved his people more than  anything in the world.In one day , the girl's father, ordered her to be taken to the woods for no reason.
   Princess was desperate because she could  not do  anything to stop giving. So i hed  to go where her father commanted. In the woods ,the hed made  new friends and no longer wanted to return to the castle again. 
   Also in the forest ,hse,he met King  and duarfs  but also  guardians  of the forest.
    He made her  Sring Princess so she  reigned only in that  forest were if you go,you will definitely shee. 
        THE END
                        Printesa Primavara
  A fost odata ca niciodata o printesa tare frumoasa  , care isi iubea poporul mai mult ca orice pe lume. Intru-na din zile , tatal fete , porunci ca ea sa fie dusa in  padure fara niciun motiv.Printesa fu disperata caci nu putea face nimic pentru al opri.Asa ca ea trebui sa se duca unde tatal ei ii poruncise.In padure , ea isi facu noi prieteni si nu mai vru sa se intoarca la caste niciodata.Tot in padure , ea , il intalni pe regele pitiucilor care fiind si pazitorul padurii.El ,o facu printesa primaveri, si asa ,ea a dxomnit doar in acea padure in care, daca va veti duce o veti vedea cu siguranta.