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Within an hour of having tied him to a tree, the chief with the compass in his hand, told Smith of his intention to set him tree. Triumphantly a guard led Smith .to a feast. The food which was brought to him would have fed thirty men. The next morning they brought him even more food. This made Smith think they were going to fatten him up to eat him not to free him! Again they brought Smith before their chief. Powahatan sat on a high wooden seat by the fie. More than two hundred fierce-looking Indians stood staring at him, as if he were a monster.

Răspuns :

In mai putin de o ora  dupa ce l-au spanzurat intr-un copac , seful cu busola in mana ,i-a spus lui Smith despre intentia sa de a-l pune in copac.Triumfator un paznic l-a condus pe Smith la un ospăţ.Mancarea care a fost cumparata pentru el ar fi hranit 30 de oameni. Urmatoarea dimineata i-au cumparat mai multa mancare . Asta l-a facut pe Smith sa creada ca ei il vor ingrasa pentru al manca nu pentru al elibera. Din nou ei i-au cumparat lui Smith inaintea sefului.Powahatan statea intr-un scaun de lemn inalt . Mai mult de doua sute de indieni fiorosi  stateau uitandu-se la el, ca si cum ar fi un monstru .