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In the 1600s a group of English people settled in Jamestown, North America. They ventured to the New World in the hope of finding pearls ,silver or gold. They were to busy dreaming of gold to think of growing food. The colonists began to die. Some died of hunger, some of disease and others in Indian attacks. Captain Jhon Smith, an energetic 27 years old solider organized the colonists forcing them to work the land. The work wasn't easy because they had to clear thick forests. When they had run out of food , Smith set off into the forests to get com from the Indians in exchange for guns and cannons. Powhatan, one of the Indian chiefs, took him prisoner. Poor Smith had to watch as all his men were killed. After a short while he was shown to the Indian chief to whom he gave a round ivory double compass. When he used this to demonstrate the sky, the Sun, Moon , the stars and the roundness of the Earth, they all stood amazed.

Răspuns :

in anii 1600 un grup de englezi s-au stabilit in Jamestown,Nordul americii. Ei s-au aventurat la New World  in speranta de a gasi perle,argint si aur. Ei erau prea ocupati visand la aur si gandingu-se la cresterea mancarii o.O . Colonistii  erau sa moara. Unii de foame altii de boli iar altii in atacurile indiane. Capitanul John Smith , un energetic de 27 de ani solidar a organizat colonistii fortandu-i sa lucreze la pamant. Munca lor nu era usoara pentru ca ei trebuiau sa curete padurile dese. Cand ei au ramas fara mancare ,Smith  pornise in padure com ( nu stiu ce e aia)  de la indieni in schimbul armelor si a tunurilor, Powhatan,  unul dintre sefii indieni  la luat ca priznoier.Saracul Smith a trebuit sa vada cum toti oamenii lui( din echipa cred) au fost omorati . Dupa un scurt timp el i-a aratat sefului indienilor caruia i-a dat o busola rotunda cu fildesi dublii. Cand l-a folosit ca sa ii arate cerul,soarele ,luna stelele si cat de rotund este pamantul ,toti au fost uimiti.