
eseu in engleza despre informal letter email You have recived the following email from your friend who lives in Australia. We are doing a project about holiday places around the world and I need your help.can you tell me where people in romania go for their holidays?in your country what activities do they do there? write a reply to your friend (80-100).

Răspuns :

Hi John, of course I'll help you. Most people from Romania go in another countries during their holidays, like China, Greece, Italy, Spain, that's 'cause they want to get to know new cultures. There aren't so many activities people do around here, mostly barbecues, picnics and going out to grab a beer. If they have a kinds, during the summer they go out with them to the park. During the winter, there isn’t really much to do around here ‘cause it’s cold outside and the weather is bad so most people stay in their houses or go skiing every once in a while, if they have enough time. I hope this helped you, peace (pune tu un nume aici, chiar numele tau daca vrei).