
alcatuiti 10 propozitii cu verbul tobe la timpul trecut

Răspuns :

1)I was happy for my friend.=eram fericita pentru ptietena mea.
2)You were home when she came.=Tu erai acasa cand ea a venit.
4)They were excited for the concert.=Ei erau entuziasmati pentru concert.
5)My friends were sad because I didn't pass the exam. = Prietenii mei erau suparati deoarece nu am trecut examenul.
6) She was a good student.=Ea a fost o buna studenta.
7)He was worryed about the exam.=El era ingrijorat pentru examen.
8) I was a kid when my uncle left.=eram un copil cand uchiul meu a plecat.
9) The dog was so cute!=Cainele era asa de dragut!
10)We were the best.=Eram cei mai buni.