
Când se folosește (la ce timp, în care moment ) •Present simple •Present continous •Present perfect •Present perfect simple •Past simple •Past continous •Past perfect ? Exemple varog , dau coroană și mulțumesc!

Răspuns :

Prezentul simplu: actiuni repetate, obiceiuri
Mother drinks coffee every morning.

Prezentul continuu: actiuni de moment, in momentul vorbirii
I am writing my homework.

Past simple: obiceiuri din trecut, actiuni terminate in trecut
He visited his cousins every summer as a child.

Past continuous: actiune temporara intr-un anumit moment din trecut
I was washing the dishes when te phone rang.

Present perfect: actiune din trecut cu consecinte in prezent:
She has seen this movie before.

Present perfect continuous: actiune inceputa in trecut care continua in prezent:
He has been waiting at the bus stop for hours.

Past perfect: actiune trecuta cu consecinta in trecut.
She had seen him twice.

Past perfect continuous: actiune trecuta in desfasurare
They had been watering the flowers for ten minutes when I arrived.