
O compunere cu titlul ''a strange experience'' 130 cuvinte

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Strange ExperienceI had a strange experience on patch day. I mentioned it to a few people in my allegiance and I don't think they took me seriously.

I was standing In Zak, between Ned and the other NPC by the town meeting hall that flags for the Apostate. I did /hom to recall to the mansion and almost immediately I was teleported, completely bypassing the animation and the wait time to recall to the mansion. My first thought was "awesome, this is part of the patch, recalling /hom is now faster and easier than ever." But when I arrived at the destination, it wasn't the mansion at all.
I was underground somewhere, it was a green dungeon.

Rather than stick around and explore...which is what I really wish I would have done, I recalled Nanner Island and then did /hom again...landing in the correct place this time.

Really wish I knew where I landed and what that place was all about.