
Ross Regan's bedroom is his life. Not only has he got his own sound system, television and computer, he's also getting his own shower so that he doesn't have to queue for the bathroom.
Justin Ford visits him at home.
Ross, aged sixteen, gets an allowance of $30 a month from his parents- enough to buy two CDs- and as part of the bargain he has to tidy his room. '' I wish I could get away with doing nothing but I can't. If I had a bigger allowance, I' d pay to have my room cleaned once a month.'' If Ross does other household jobs, such as cutting the grass in the garden and cleaning his parents'' car, he gets extra money from his parents.
According to a study which has compared young people's attitudes in Britain with those in nine other countries, Ross is typical of many British teenagers today. The results of the study show that they are often more materialistic than those in many other countries.

Răspuns :

Dormitorul lui Ross Regan este propria lui viata.Nu numai ca are propriul lui sistem audio, un televizor si un calculator, dar detine si propriul lui dus, asa ca nu trebuie sa stea la coada pentru a avea acces la toaleta.
Justin Ford il viziteaza acasa.
Ross, avand 16 ani, primeste o alocatie in valoare de $30 pe luna de la parintii lui-destul pentru a cumpara doua CD-uri-, iar ca si o parte a acestui "targ", trebuie sa faca curat in camera lui. "Mi-as fi dorit sa scap fara sa fac nimic, dar nu pot. Daca aveam o alocatie mai mare, as plati pentru ca cineva sa-mi faca curat in camera o data pe luna."Daca Ross face alte treburi "ale casei", cum ar fi taierea ierbii in gradina si curatarea masinii parintilor, el primeste bani in plus de la parintii lui.
    Potrivit unui studiu care a comparat atitudinile tinerilor din Marea Britanie cu atitudinile tinerilor din alte 9 tari, Ross este astazi ca si multi tineri din Marea Britanie.Rezultatele studiului arata ca cei din Marea Britanie sunt mai materialisti decat cei din multe alte tari. :)