
Puteti sa îmi traduceri in engleza? Pe prietena mea o cheamă Anda.In acest week end o sa mergem la plimbare după care o sa gătim o prăjitură .O sa citim si o sa facem si temele.O sa dăm petrecere in pijamale o sa facem tot ce vrem.O sa fie cel mai frumos weekend. O sa ne distrăm pe cinste.

Răspuns :

my friend s name is anda. this week end we will go for a walk, then we will bake a cake . we will read and make homeworks . we will have a pajama party and we will do everything we want . it will be the greatest week end ! we will have a lot of fun . :D 
My friend's name is Anda.At week-end we will have a walk and then we will cook a cake.We will read and we will make our homework.We will have a pijama party and we will do all we wathever we want.It will be the best week-end. We will have a lot of fun!