
TRADUCETI VA ROG TEXTUL! English clubs that are being opened in many schools are part of a specially designed programme to promote learning the English language,facilitate,the debate of ideas , and provide opportunities for interaction between the learner and a teacher or outside guests. Such clubs help make learning more enjoyable .The primary goal of these clubs is to enable pupils to develop confidence in practising English and encouraging them to enjoy the studying proces.The members of the club wear their badges proudly.Each club should have a president ,a secretary to take notes ,and an executive commitee to make decisions about the direction of the club. the teache's role is to facilitate the club;s activities.

Răspuns :

Cluburi englezesti care se deschid in multe scoli fac parte dintr-un program creat special de a promova invatarea limbii engleze,facilitati,dezbaterea ideilor,si de a creeaza oportunitati de interactionare intre elev si profesor sau persoane din exterior.Asemenea cluburi ajuta ca invatarea sa fie mai placuta.Scopul acestor cluburi este de a ajuta elevii sa-si dezvolte increderea exersand limba engleza si incurajeaza in mod placut procesul studiului.Membrii clubului poarta cu mandrie ecusoanele.Fiecare club ar trebui sa aiba un presedinte,o secretara care sa ia notite,si un comitet executiv care ia decizii in privinta orientarii clubului.Rolul profesorului este de a facilita activitatile clubului.