
Add adjective suffixes to the verbs given below. Make use of: -ent or -ant; -able or -ible; -ive; -ed; -ing; -some; -ile; -(at)ory; -worthy. 2 1. It soon became (appear) that she was telling a lie. 2. There’s nothing (amaze) about walking home alone. 3. Parents like their children to be (obey). 4. You should be more (persuade) if you want to get the job. 5. She is a kind of (quarrel), you’d better avoid her. 6. Do you think it (advise) to wait? 7. We were sure he was a (trust) person. 8. Any physical effort should be preceded by some (prepare) training. 9. She is hardly (distinguish) from her twin sister. 10. The most (annoy) thing is that you lied to us

Răspuns :

Appearent, amazing, obeyed, persuadive, quarrant, advissible, trustworthy, preparesome, distinguish(at)ory, annoyable