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"Fumatul este actiunea de a aspira si a trage fumul de tutun din tigara sau din pipa spre plamani, in corp.
Cu totii stiu ca fumatul nu este sanatos si ca, in primul rand, dauneaza. Dar cu toate acestea ei nu renunta, fiecare gasind motive diferite practicilor sale.
Motivele pentru care oamenii fumeaza sunt adesea evidente, cele mai des intalnit fiind stresul. Dar exista si foarte multe persoane care o fac pentru a atrage atentie sau o fac din placere.
Oricare ar fi motivul, toate dauneaza sanatatii, atat sanatatii tale cat si a celor din jur. Renuntand la fumat renunti la o viata prizoniera."

Răspuns :

Smoking is the action of breathing tobacco smoke from a cigarette or from a pipe toward the lungs, into the body. Everybody knows that smoking is unhealthy and that, first and foremost, it does damage. However people don’t give it up, each finding a reason for their actions. The reasons why people smoke are often obvious and most of the time the reason is stress. But there are also a lot of people who do it to get attention or because they enjoy it. No matter what the reason is, it’s all damaging to health, both yours and that of people around you. By giving up smoking, you give up a captive life.