
fill in with was or were and find out what the children were doing at seven o clock yesterday 1 Sam ----------- playing the guitar 2 tim and kate -----having supper 3 val------- drawing a picture 4 Irene------- swimming in the pool
5 dan and diana -------------- doing crossword puzzles 6anna --- reating aq book 7 mike and dan -------- doing their homework va rog mult e urgent dau CORONITA SI 99 PUNCTE

Răspuns :



Fill in with was or were and find out what the children were doing at seven o'clock yesterday.

Completaţi cu was sau were şi descoperiţi ce făceau copiii aseară la ora şapte.


Rezolvarea exerciţiului

1. Sam was playing the guitar.

Sam cânta la chitară.

2. Tim and Kate were having supper.

Tim şi Kate luau cina.

3. Val was drawing a picture.

Val picta un tablou.

4. Irene was swimming in the pool.

Irene înota în piscină.

5. Dan and Diana were doing crossword puzzles.

Dan şi Diana rezolvau cuvinte încruişate.

6. Anna was reading a book.

Anna citea o carte.

7. Mike and Dan were doing their homework.

Mike şi Dan îşi făceau temele.



Timpul Past Tense Continuous/Progressive exprimă o acţiune trecută, aflată în desfăşurare pe o perioadă mai lungă de timp. În limba română se traduce prin imperfect.

Se formează cu ajutorul auxiliarelor was (pentru pers. I şi a III-a singular) sau were (pentru restul persoanelor) + verbul de conjugat + ing

  • was/were + vb. la infinitiv + ing

✰ Exemplu: to play - a (se) juca

I was playing - eu mă jucam

You were playing - tu te jucai

He/she/it was playing - el/ea se juca

We were playing - noi ne jucam

You were playing - voi vă jucaţi

They were playing - ei/ele se jucau