
1) Băiat= băiatul este inteligent= fată= fata= fata este frumușică= carte= cartea= cartea este interesantă=

2) Mașina mea este roșie= Casa mea este frumoasă= Tricoul meu este albastru= Pisica mea este alba= Penarul meu este verde= Cristina este verișoara mea=

3) a an
She is _____ English teacher =
I am _____ good girl =
It is _____ sports car =
It is _____ incredible sitution =

4) This=

Aceasta este mingea mea=
Acest calculator este defect ( out of order ) =
Acestea sunt caietele mele=
Aceștia sunt colegii mei ( classmates)=

5) Mie îmi place engleza=
Mie îmi plac animalele=
Mie nu-mi place această situație! =
Nouă ne place Hannah Montana =
Noua ne plac , desigur , dulciurile =
Ei îi place fotbalul=
Lui îi place muzica jazz=
Ție îți plac aceste sandwich-uri?=
Vouă vă place Hannah Montana? Da , ne place foarte mult!


Răspuns :

la ex 3 .She is a Enghlish theacher
I am a good girl.
It is an sports car.
It is an incredible solution.
1) boy-the boy is clever/inteligent
2) girl-the girl is pretty
3)book-the book is interesting

My car is red
My house is beautiful
My t-shirt is blue
My cat is white
My pencil box is green
Cristina is my cousin

She is an English teacher
I am a good girl
It is a sports car
It is an incredible situation

This is my ball
This computer is out of order
These are my notebooks
These are my classmates

I like English
I like animals
I dont like this situation
We like Hannah Montana
We like sweets, of course
She likes football
He likes jazz music
Do you like these sandwiches?
Do you like Hannah Montana? Yes, we like her very much