
Traduceti in engleza urmatorul text: Anul trecut am fost intr.o excursie la Brasov cu prietenii mei pentru a ne relaxa .
La Brasov ne.am cazat la un hotel de 3 stele pe care ni.l recomanda.se o buna prietena.
Din nefericire am intampinat o mulțime de probleme. Camerele erau foarte mici si înguste, usile nu se puteau incuiau iar la baie nici măcar nu aveam apă caldă pentru a ne face baie.
Fiind foarte dezamăgiți de aceste lucruri ne.am hotărât sa ne întoarcem acasă chiar a doua zi.

Răspuns :

Last year I went on a trip in Brasov with three of my friebds to relax.
In Brasov we went to a three stars hotel who was rebomanded by one of my good friend.
Though, we also had some troubles there. The rooms were very small and thiny, the doors couldn't be closed, and in the bathroom we didn't even have warm water.
Being very disappointed, we decided to go back home the secind day.