
De scris erele din 5 in 5 minute de la ora 3 pana la ora 4 in engleza.
Exemplu in romana:
Si asa pana la ora 4 in engleza!
Va rog ajutatima!

Răspuns :

It's three a clock. It's five minutes past three. It's ten minutes past three. It's a quarter past three. It's twenty minutes past three. It's twenty five minutes past three. It's half past three. It's twenty five minutes to four. It's twenty minutes to four. It's a quarter to four. It's ten minutes to four. It's five minutes to four. It's four a clock.
it is five past three
it is ten past three
it is fiveten past three
it is twenty past three
it is twenty five past three
it is threenten past three
it is threenten five past three
it is fourty past three
it is fourty five past three
it is fifty past three
it is fifty five past three
it is four