
Care ma ajuta sa il traduc din romana in engleza?va rog e urgent

Era o zi plictisitoare de vara , nu aveam ce face asa ca m-am pus pe canapea , m-am intins si am adormit.   M-am trezit intr-un loc ciudat , nu existau plante , copaci , animale , case.    M-am decis sa explorez zona pana cand am zarit un fel de navata spatiala si am ciocanit.    Un fel de maimutica verde mi-a deschis usa si m-a invitat inauntru , era un extraterestru. Nu m-am speriat si am intrat.  - Unde sunt? am intrebat nedumerita.  - Esti pe planeta Manu , este o planeta extraterestra!  sunt?    -Sunt extrolici , un fel de licurici de marimea unui fluture.   Cand m-am trezit am reallizat ca totul a fost un vis , dar unul frumos care m-a fascinat.

Răspuns :

it was a boring summer day, i dont have to do so i sat on the couch,i lay down and fell asleep.i woke up in a strange place there were not plants, trees, animals, houses.i decided to explore the area until when i saw a kind of spaceship and bumped.a kind of green monkey opened the door and invited me in spaceship it was an alien.i was not scared and i entered.
-where i am?i asked puzzled.
-you are on a planet called manu, it is a alien planet.i am?
-they are extrocili, a kind of a firefly they are the size of a butterfly.when i woke up i realized that it was. nice dream but one that fascinted me.