
10 propoziti cu be going to

Răspuns :

Cerinta nu e clara. Te referi la going to, forma de viitor, sau prezentul continuu?
Prezentul continuu
I am going to the centre of the city. 
I am going to London next week.
She is going to school monday morning. 
( mai vezi tu "cine merge unde")
Forma de viitor
Im going to eat some pizza.
She is going to learn english.
You are going to play the guitar.
( si asa mai departe )
I am going to write a letter.
John is going to eat pizza.
Lily is going to play tennis.
She is going to sing a song.
The bear is going to eat honey.
The cat is going to play with the mouse.
The dog is going to eat a bone.
I am going to play football.
He is going to send an email.
You are going to sleep in your bed.