
Hei hei hei
Cine ma ajuta si pe mine cu niste traduceri din romana in engleza ?
Susan tine regim de 3 saptamani si a slabit deja 2 kg.
Domnul Smith a avut clienti toata dimineata .
El a vandut 2 masini.
Traiesc in SUA si inca nu mi a fost dor dr tara .
Paul joaca de doua ore sah . El nu a mai jucat impotriva lui Tom pana acum .
Doamna Jones vorbeste deja de o jumatate de ora la telefon cu prietena ei. Ea a consumat deja peste 51 de peni pentru convorbire .
Ce ai facut toata dupa amiaza ? M ai asteptat?

Răspuns :

Susan has been on a diet for 3 weeks and she's already lost 2kg.
Mr. Smith had clients all moring.
He sold 2 cars.
I'm living in the USA and i don't miss the country.
Paul has been playing chess for 2 hours. He hasn't played against Tom yet.
Miss Jones has been speaking on the phone to her friend for 30 minutes.
She has already consumed 51 pennies for the chat.
What have you done all afternoon? Have you been waiting for me?