
Conjuga verbul to sing la toate timpurile si la toate formele aff neg int int-neg

Răspuns :

Present continuous
I am singing
you are singing
he/she/it is singing
we are singing
you are singing
they are singing

Present perfect
I have sung
you have sung
he/she/it has sung
we have sung
you have sung
they have sung

I will sing
you will sing
he/she/it will sing
we will sing
you will sing
they will sing

Future perfect
I will have sung
you will have sung
he/she/it will have sung
we will have sung
you will have sung
they will have sung

Past continuous
I was singing
you were singing
he/she/it was singing
we were singing
you were singing
they were singing

Past perfect

I had sung
you had sung
he/she/it had sung
we had sung
you had sung
they had sung

Future continuous

I will be singing
you will be singing
he/she/it will be singing
we will be singing
you will be singing
they will be singing

Present perfect continuous

I have been singing
you have been singing
he/she/it has been singing
we have been singing
you have been singing
they have been singing

Past perfect continuous

I had been singing
you had been singing
he/she/it had been singing
we had been singing
you had been singing
they had been singing

Future perfect continuous

I will have been singing
you will have been singing
he/she/it will have been singing
we will have been singing
you will have been singing
they will have been singing

  Present simple : I sing 
you sing
she/he/it sings
we sing you sing 
they sing  ---Neg: I , you, we , you., they don't sing---(she,he,it) doesn;t sing
Int: do (I, you, we, you, they) sing?
Does(she, he, it) sing?
Present continuous- i'm singing
you are singing
she/he/it is singing
we are singing
you are singing
they are singing
Neg: I am not singing, you aren;t singing; she(he, it) isn;t singing, we/you/they aren't singing
Am I singing? are you singing? is she singing? are we singing? are you singing? are they singing?
Past simple -I /you/she/he/it/we/you/they sang.---I was not sing(faci dupa modelul asta)
Int: Din I sing? (toate se fac asa)
   Past continuous-  (I , she, he it) was singing
you, we , they were singing
Neg.I wasn't singing (dupa model)
Was I singing?
 Present Perfect  Simple : I, you, we, you, they have sung
She, he, it has sung. 
I haven't sung
She hasn't sung
HAve I sung?
Has she sung? 
Past perfect : Toate persoanele +had+sung.
Ne: Toat pers. +had+not+sung
Int: Had+I(you, she, he, it we, they) sung?
Future simple : I shall/will sing
You, she, he, it, we, you, they will sing
Neg: (I,you,she,he,it,we,you,they) won't sing.
Shall/will I sing?
Will you sing? (la toate la fel)
 Future with "going to" 
I am  going to sing
You are going to sing
She/he.it is going to sing
We/you/ther are going to sing
N:   La fel ; dar apare "not" I am not going to sing
I: AM I going to sing? 
IS she(he; it) going to sing?
Are (we,you, they) going to sing?
Conditional present : i(we,she,he,it,we,you they) would  sing
N: I/you/she/he/it/we/they wouldn't sing
I: Would+S+sing? Would you sing?
Conditional perfect: I/you/she/he/it/we/you/they would have sung
                                                                             wouldn't have sung
                            would you have sung?
Imperative: sing (you) !
Let's sing! -we
Don't sing!