
traduce-ti in engleza:
craciunul este o sarbatoare crestina ce se sarbatoreste pe 25 dec.
Ea semnifica nasterea Domnului Iisus Hristos.In seara de Craciun se zice ca Mos Craciun vine la copii cuminti cu sania si renii sai si le lasa sub brad cadouri.Mos Craciun este imbracat in haine rosii : are pe cap o caciula rosie cu un mot alb si o dunga lata alba la baza, cu o jacheta si pantaloni rosii care la maneci si la glezne au o dunga alba iar in picioare o pereche de bocanci negri. El este batran , are barba alba si lunga si abrajii rosii.
Copii obianuiesc ca in seara de Ajun si de Craciun sa mearga cu colindul. Ei merg din casa-n casa incepanad sa ureze gazdei un an nou fericit, Craciun fericit si tot felul de urari spuse prin cantece si poezii, in dar copii primesc dulciuri,nuci,fructe,covrigi si chiar bani.Craciunul este una din cele mai frumoase sarbatori.

Răspuns :

Christmas is a christian holiday, which is being celebrated on twenty-five december. It signifies the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ. On Christmas evening it's been said that Santa Claus comes to children that have been good with his sleigh and reindeers, leaving gifts under the Christmas Tree. Santa Claus is dressed in red clothes: he has on his head a red hat with a white topknot and a white wide stripe at the base, with a jacket and a pair of black boots. He is old, has a white long beard and red cheeks. Children are used to go caroling on Christmas Eve and on Christmas night. They go from house to house wishing to people a happy new year, a Merry Christmas and all kind of wishes that are being told through songs and poems. As gifts the children are receiving candies, nuts, fruits, pretzels and even money. The Christmas is the most beautiful holiday